
Heatwave Grips New York and I-95 Corridor, Washington D.C. Forecast to Hit 38°C

A scorching heatwave is gripping New York and the I-95 corridor, bringing dangerously high temperatures. The National Weather Service has issued heat advisories for the region, warning of potential health risks, particularly for vulnerable populations. The heatwave is expected to continue throughout the weekend, with temperatures reaching as high as 38°C in Washington D.C. The intense heat is prompting authorities to issue warnings to the public to stay hydrated, seek air conditioning, and check on elderly and vulnerable individuals. The heatwave has also prompted the cancellation of several outdoor events and activities, as organizers take precautions against the potentially dangerous conditions. While the heat is expected to subside by the beginning of next week, authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant and take steps to protect themselves from the intense heat.


"The heatwave affecting New York and the I-95 corridor is causing extreme temperatures and prompting authorities to issue warnings for residents to take precautions and stay safe. The heat is expected to continue throughout the weekend, with the highest temperatures anticipated in Washington D.C. Authorities are urging residents to stay hydrated, seek air conditioning, and check on vulnerable individuals."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

heat wave
New York
I-95 corridor
Washington D.C.


Una ola de calor está provocando temperaturas abrasadoras en Nueva York y el corredor I-95, y la ciudad de Washington podría alcanzar los 38 grados C

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