
Julian Assange Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy in US for Freedom

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge in the United States on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024. This plea deal was made in exchange for his freedom. Assange was accused of working with former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to crack a password protecting classified information. The charges stemmed from Assange's publication of classified documents provided by Manning in 2010, which included details about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Although Assange is now free, the US government is still pursuing a separate case against him for espionage, which could result in a potential 175-year prison sentence. The plea deal avoids a lengthy trial for Assange and allows him to return to his native Australia. However, the outcome of the espionage case remains uncertain. Assange's legal team argues that he is a journalist who exposed government wrongdoing and should be protected by the First Amendment. The US government, however, maintains that Assange's actions put national security at risk.


"While Assange has been freed from the conspiracy charge, the espionage case against him still hangs over him. The outcome of this case will determine whether Assange will ultimately face a lengthy prison sentence or remain free. The plea deal avoids a lengthy trial but raises questions about the extent of First Amendment protections for journalists who expose government secrets."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Julian Assange
guilty plea
United States


Julian Assange se declara culpable de conspiración en Estados Unidos a cambio de su libertad

Julian Assange, saldrá libre por primera vez en 12 años después de que un juez estadounidense aprobara su inesperado acuerdo de culpabilidad.