
Ecuador Revokes Visa of Cuban Journalist Alondra Santiago

The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry revoked the visa of Cuban journalist Alondra Santiago, who was a permanent resident of the country. The decision was made without prior notice or explanation, leaving Santiago facing immediate deportation. She had been living in Ecuador for the past 10 years and had been actively involved in journalism, collaborating with various media outlets. The Ministry's action has been met with criticism from journalists and human rights organizations, who view it as a violation of press freedom and an attempt to silence dissenting voices. They believe the decision is politically motivated, aimed at silencing Santiago for her critical reporting on the Ecuadorian government. Santiago herself has expressed concern over the sudden and unexplained revocation of her visa, highlighting the lack of due process and the potential threat it poses to her safety and the freedom of the press.


"The revocation of Alondra Santiago's visa by the Ecuadorian government has sparked controversy and concerns regarding press freedom and political motives. Journalists and human rights groups criticize the decision as an attack on freedom of expression, while Santiago herself highlights the lack of due process and the potential danger to her safety. The situation remains under scrutiny as calls for transparency and explanations from the Ecuadorian government grow louder."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Alondra Santiago


Cancillería de Ecuador revoca la visa de Alondra Santiago, periodista cubana que residía de forma permanente en el país

La periodista y actriz de nacionalidad cubana Alondra Santiago, quien reside en Ecuador hace casi 20 años, anunció este martes en su cuenta de X que la Cancillería de Ecuador le notificó la revocatoria de su visa de residente permanente en el país.