
Brazil's Supreme Court Nears Decision to Depenalize Marijuana for Personal Use

The Supreme Court of Brazil is on the verge of a landmark decision to decriminalize the possession of marijuana for personal use. The court is expected to rule on a case regarding the legal status of cannabis, and many believe the decision will pave the way for a change in the country's drug policy. While current law classifies marijuana use as a crime, the court's decision is anticipated to reinterpret the law, focusing on harm reduction and public health. This move is supported by experts who argue that criminalization has been ineffective and has led to mass incarceration, disproportionately impacting marginalized communities. The upcoming ruling is expected to align with international trends, where many countries are moving towards decriminalization or legalizing cannabis for personal use. This shift reflects a broader recognition of the evolving perspectives on marijuana, moving away from criminalization and towards a focus on harm reduction and public health.


"The Supreme Court of Brazil's potential decision to decriminalize marijuana for personal use represents a significant shift in the country's drug policy. This move aligns with international trends and reflects a growing understanding of the need for harm reduction and public health considerations in drug policy."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Supreme Court
personal use


El Supremo Tribunal de Brasil se perfila a despenalizar la posesión de marihuana para consumo personal

Una mayoría de ministros del Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil (STF) se pronunció este martes a favor de despenalizar la posesión de marihuana para consumo personal, lo que perfila que se concretará esta decisión judicial, según informó la institución en un …