
Island Sinking in the Caribbean off Panama, Residents Fight to Keep Their Homes

The article reports on the sinking of the island of Gardi Sugdub, located in the Caribbean off the coast of Panama. This island, home to the indigenous Guna Yala people, is gradually disappearing beneath the rising sea. The article states that this phenomenon is a consequence of climate change, emphasizing the rising sea levels and increasingly frequent storms as primary culprits. The Guna Yala people are struggling to hold onto their homes and way of life, despite the increasingly dire circumstances. The article highlights the desperate measures taken by the islanders, such as relocating homes and building artificial barriers to combat the encroaching water. This situation underscores the impact of climate change on indigenous communities and the urgent need for action. The article points to the Guna Yala people's resilience and determination to survive, despite the looming threat to their home. Their struggle serves as a stark reminder of the real and immediate consequences of climate change, and the importance of finding solutions to protect vulnerable communities.


"The sinking of Gardi Sugdub, an island inhabited by the Guna Yala people, is a poignant example of the devastating effects of climate change. While the indigenous community faces an existential threat, they are bravely attempting to preserve their homes and way of life. This situation underscores the urgent need to address climate change and support vulnerable communities affected by its consequences."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

climate change
island sinking


Una isla se hunde en el Caribe frente a Panamá y sus habitantes luchan por mantener sus hogares

Habitantes indígenas de la isla de Gardi Sugdub, en el Caribe de Panamá, enfrentan la encrucijada de mudarse a tierra firme y abandonar las viviendas que ocuparon toda su vida, derivado de los efectos de la crisis climática, que progresivamente hacen que se e…