
A Major Peace Summit for Ukraine Begins in Switzerland, But Without Russia or China

A major international summit focused on finding a path to peace in Ukraine began on Friday in Switzerland, with representatives from over 60 countries in attendance. The summit, hosted by the Ukrainian government and Switzerland, aimed to establish a framework for future negotiations to end the war. However, notable absences included Russia and China, both key players in the conflict. Despite the absence of these two major actors, the summit offered a platform for discussing various aspects of a potential peace settlement. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in a pre-recorded video message, presented his “peace formula,” a 10-point plan outlining Ukraine's vision for a peaceful resolution. The summit also included discussions on humanitarian aid, war crimes accountability, and reconstruction efforts for Ukraine. While the summit was not intended to produce concrete agreements or immediate breakthroughs, it aimed to lay the groundwork for future dialogue and negotiations. The organizers highlighted the importance of bringing together diverse perspectives and fostering international consensus around key principles for a lasting peace. The lack of Russian and Chinese participation drew criticism from some quarters, who saw it as a missed opportunity for direct engagement with these influential actors. However, the organizers maintained that the summit's focus was on uniting the international community behind Ukraine's vision for peace and exploring potential paths forward. The absence of Russia and China did not prevent discussions on how to address their concerns and ensure their eventual inclusion in future negotiations. The summit in Switzerland serves as a crucial step in the ongoing efforts to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. While it is unlikely to lead to a quick resolution, it represents a significant effort to rally international support for Ukraine and begin laying the groundwork for a future peace process.


"The summit in Switzerland was a significant step in the ongoing efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. While the absence of Russia and China was notable, the summit provided a platform for bringing together diverse perspectives, discussing key principles for peace, and fostering international consensus behind Ukraine's vision for a peaceful future. The summit also aimed to pave the way for future negotiations and dialogue, including the potential inclusion of Russia and China in the process."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

peace conference


Una gran cumbre por la paz en Ucrania comienza en Suiza, pero sin Rusia ni China

Casi 100 países y organizaciones asistirán a una importante conferencia en Suiza dedicada a establecer un camino hacia la paz entre Ucrania y Rusia, pero no habrá ninguna delegación de Moscú.