
Hiker Survives 10 Days Lost in California Mountains by Drinking a Gallon of Water Daily

A 31-year-old hiker, identified as John McAfee, survived ten days lost in the Sierra Nevada mountains after getting separated from his hiking group. McAfee, who is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, was hiking in the Mammoth Lakes area when he became disoriented and separated from his group. He managed to survive by rationing his food and drinking a gallon of water a day, which he obtained from a nearby creek. The hiker was located after a 10-day search by the Mammoth Lakes Police Department and the Mono County Sheriff's Office. McAfee, who was found in good condition, was taken to a local hospital for evaluation. He credited his survival to his military training, which taught him survival skills in challenging environments.


"John McAfee's experience highlights the importance of proper planning and preparation for outdoor adventures, as well as the resilience and survival skills of individuals trained in challenging environments."

Updated at: 06.25.2024


Un excursionista desaparecido durante 10 días en las montañas de California sobrevivió bebiendo un galón de agua cada día

Un hombre de California pasó diez días varado en las montañas después de perderse en una caminata, y tuvo que depender en parte de grandes volúmenes de agua para sobrevivir.