
Tourists Damage Historic Building in Italy While Performing Parkour

Two tourists have been accused of damaging a historic building in Italy while performing parkour. The incident took place in the town of Trax, located in the region of Trentino-Alto Adige. The tourists, whose names have not been released, were practicing parkour on the facade of a building when they caused damage to the wall. The damage was discovered by local authorities who immediately launched an investigation. The tourists have been identified and are facing charges of vandalism. The incident has sparked outrage among locals and has raised concerns about the impact of tourism on historic buildings. The town of Trax is known for its many historic buildings and has become a popular destination for tourists in recent years. The incident highlights the need for tourists to be respectful of the local environment and to avoid activities that could damage historic buildings.


"The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting historical landmarks and the potential consequences of irresponsible behavior. While tourism can be beneficial for local economies, it is crucial for visitors to be mindful of the impact their actions can have on the environment and cultural heritage."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

historical building


Turistas dañan edificio histórico en Italia al hacer parkour

Un grupo de parkour con sede en Londres, Team Phat, visitó la antigua ciudad italiana de Matera, escalar y saltar por sus calles y sus preciosas estructuras, pero uno de los integrantes provocó que un segmento de un edificio histórico se cayera.