
Iran's Supreme Court Overturns Death Sentence for Dissident Rapper Toomaj Salehi

Iran's Supreme Court has overturned the death sentence for dissident rapper Toomaj Salehi. The court ruled that Salehi's conviction should be reviewed by a lower court. Salehi was initially sentenced to death in December 2022 for charges of "acting against national security" related to his rap lyrics. His lawyer, Saeid Dehghan, has called for Salehi's immediate and unconditional release, arguing that he should never have been charged in the first place. The charges against Salehi were based on his rap lyrics, which were deemed critical of the Iranian government. His case sparked international concern and calls for his release. While the Supreme Court's decision is a positive development, it remains to be seen whether Salehi will be released or face further legal proceedings.


"The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Toomaj Salehi's death sentence offers hope for his release, but his fate remains uncertain. His lawyer has called for his immediate release, but the decision ultimately rests with the lower court. This case highlights the ongoing crackdown on dissent in Iran, where individuals are facing severe consequences for expressing their views."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

Toomaj Salehi
Death Sentence


Tribunal Supremo de Irán anula condena a muerte del rapero disidente Toomaj Salehi; abogada pide su liberación incondicional

El Tribunal Supremo consideró que la condena a muerte dictada contra Salehi era excesiva e incumplía la legislación iraní.