
Putin Demands More Territory for End to Ukraine War, Kyiv Calls it 'Total Farce'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that he will only end the war in Ukraine if Kyiv agrees to cede all territories annexed by Russia in 2022, including the Crimea Peninsula, Luhansk and Donetsk regions, as well as Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. This demand, rejected by Ukraine as a 'total farce', has further escalated tensions between the two nations. Kyiv views Putin's conditions as a continuation of Russia's aggression and a rejection of any potential peaceful resolution. The Ukrainian government insists that regaining all territories lost to Russia, including Crimea, is a crucial element of any future peace talks. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly stated that his country will not negotiate with Putin under duress, reiterating Ukraine's stance on restoring its territorial integrity. Analysts suggest that Putin's inflexible stance indicates his willingness to continue the war, potentially for years to come, even if it means incurring heavy losses and facing mounting international pressure.


"The war in Ukraine continues to escalate with no immediate end in sight. Putin's demand for territorial concessions, deemed unacceptable by Ukraine, further complicates negotiations and fuels the ongoing conflict. The future trajectory of the war remains uncertain, with both sides showing resolute stances and potential for protracted conflict."

Updated at: 06.16.2024



Putin exige más territorio para poner fin a la guerra de Ucrania, condiciones que Kyiv rechaza por considerarlas una "farsa total"

Putin expuso sus condiciones para un "final definitivo" de la guerra con más detalle que en ningún otro momento desde que lanzó la invasión a gran escala de Ucrania hace más de dos años.