
OPINION | Why I Relate So Much to the 'Anxiety' Character in 'Inside Out 2'

The article discusses the relatable nature of the 'Anxiety' character in the upcoming Disney Pixar film 'Inside Out 2'. The author feels a strong connection to the character because of the relatable struggles that Anxiety faces in the film. The article explores the common experience of anxiety, particularly in the context of navigating change and uncertainty. The author uses the film as a platform to discuss the importance of understanding and accepting anxiety as a normal part of human emotion, rather than dismissing it as a negative or debilitating feeling. The article highlights the need to embrace anxiety as a signal to take action and find solutions to challenges rather than being paralyzed by fear. The author suggests that embracing anxiety can be empowering and lead to personal growth. The article also discusses the role of humor in dealing with anxiety and the importance of finding ways to cope with it in a healthy way. The article concludes by encouraging readers to connect with the 'Anxiety' character in 'Inside Out 2' and to embrace their own anxieties as a source of learning and personal growth.


"The article emphasizes that the 'Anxiety' character in 'Inside Out 2' provides an opportunity for viewers to connect with their own anxieties and understand them in a more positive light. The author suggests that embracing anxiety can lead to personal growth and empowerment, encouraging readers to see anxiety as a source of learning rather than a source of fear."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Inside Out 2

OPINIÓN | Por qué me identifico tanto con el personaje "Ansiedad" de "Inside Out 2"

"Inside Out 2", de Kelsey Mann, presenta una versión matizada de la ansiedad, navegando por los altibajos de una emoción familiar para muchos, escribe Noah Berlatsky.