
Controversial DNA Sampling of Migrants in the US

The United States government has collected DNA samples from 1.5 million migrants without their consent, according to a CNN investigation. This controversial practice has raised concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse of the data. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has defended its actions, arguing that DNA sampling is necessary for identifying individuals and preventing fraud. They claim the samples are collected for administrative purposes and are not used for criminal investigations. However, critics argue that the practice is discriminatory and raises the possibility of racial profiling. They also point out that there are no clear regulations or oversight mechanisms in place to ensure the responsible use of the collected data. The article highlights the story of a migrant who was detained and forced to provide a DNA sample despite protesting. He later found out that the sample was used to identify his mother, who was also detained in a separate facility. This case illustrates the potential consequences of the government's DNA collection practices. The article further points out that the DNA collection process is often rushed and conducted without proper explanation or consent. Migrants are often told that it's a necessary part of the immigration process without being informed about the implications of their DNA being collected. This investigation has brought to light the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the government's use of DNA data. The article raises important questions about privacy rights, ethical considerations, and the potential for abuse of power in the context of immigration enforcement.


"The article sheds light on the controversial DNA sampling practices of the US government, highlighting concerns about privacy, misuse of data, and potential discrimination against migrants. It raises crucial questions about the need for transparency, accountability, and regulations to ensure responsible use of DNA information collected from immigrants."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

DNA testing
US immigration
Department of Homeland Security
privacy concerns


"No te preguntan, solo te toman la prueba de ADN y ya", polémica recolección de muestras a 1,5 millones de migrantes en EE.UU.

Desde 2020, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos (DHS), ha agregado más de 1,5 millones de perfiles de ADN de migrantes a la base de datos federal que utilizan los cuerpos de seguridad del país, según un reciente reporte del Centro de Priva…