
Runner Dies During Ultra-Trail Race in French Alps Amid Bad Weather

A runner participating in the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) race in the French Alps has died. The incident occurred on Saturday, June 15, 2024, during the race's second stage. The runner, whose identity has not been released, was found unconscious and unresponsive near the summit of the Grand Col Ferret, a high-altitude mountain pass. Despite the efforts of medical teams, the runner could not be revived. The race, known for its challenging terrain and extreme weather conditions, had been impacted by heavy rain and snowfall, creating treacherous conditions for the runners. Race organizers have expressed their condolences to the runner's family and friends, highlighting the tragic nature of the incident. The organizers have also emphasized the importance of safety measures and responsible participation in such events. This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the inherent risks involved in endurance sports, particularly in demanding environments like the French Alps.


"The death of the runner during the UTMB race underscores the dangers associated with extreme endurance sports, especially in challenging weather conditions. The incident highlights the importance of safety precautions, responsible participation, and awareness of potential risks for all athletes engaging in such activities."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

ultra trail


Muere un corredor en medio del mal tiempo en una prueba de ultra trail en los Alpes franceses

Un corredor murió este sábado mientras participaba en la competición Ultra Trail de Haut-Giffre (UTHG) en Francia.