
Netanyahu: Intense Phase of Gaza War Nearing End, Focus Shifting to Lebanon Border

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has indicated that the intense phase of the war with Hamas in Gaza is nearing its end. He also signaled a shift in focus towards the border with Lebanon, suggesting that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are preparing for potential threats from Hezbollah. Netanyahu's statements were made during a visit to an IDF command post in the south of the country, where he was briefed on the ongoing military operation. He acknowledged the heavy fighting in Gaza and highlighted the IDF's success in destroying Hamas tunnels and infrastructure. However, he also emphasized the importance of remaining vigilant, particularly regarding the possibility of Hezbollah actions on the Lebanese border. He noted that the IDF is fully prepared to counter any threats from Hezbollah, which has been bolstering its military capabilities in recent years. This focus shift comes amid concerns that Hezbollah, a powerful Shiite group, could take advantage of the ongoing conflict in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel. Israeli authorities have been monitoring Hezbollah activity closely and have taken steps to strengthen their defenses along the northern border. The potential shift in the IDF's focus towards Lebanon raises questions about the future of the conflict in Gaza. While Netanyahu has suggested that the intense phase of the war is nearing its end, he did not provide a clear timeline or specify the next steps in the operation.


"With the intense phase of the Gaza war potentially drawing to a close, Israel's attention is now shifting towards the Lebanese border. Netanyahu's statements highlight the multifaceted nature of the conflict and the potential for new challenges as the situation evolves."

Updated at: 06.25.2024



"La fase intensa de la guerra con Hamas está a punto de terminar" y el foco se trasladará a la frontera con el Líbano, dice Netanyahu

El primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, dijo este domingo: "La fase intensa de la guerra con Hamas (en Gaza) está a punto de terminar", por lo que el foco militar podría desplazarse a la frontera norte de Israel con el Líbano.