
Supreme Court Revokes Trump-Era Ban on Gun Modifications

The Supreme Court has overturned a Trump-era ban on firearm modifications known as 'bump stocks' that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire at a rate similar to automatic weapons. This decision comes after the court's earlier ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which weakened gun control laws across the country. The Trump administration had implemented the ban on bump stocks in 2018 following the Las Vegas mass shooting, claiming they constituted machine guns and were illegal under the National Firearms Act. However, the court's ruling now allows these modifications, which some argue increase the lethality of firearms. The court's decision has been met with mixed reactions, with gun control advocates expressing concern over the potential for increased gun violence and gun rights advocates celebrating the victory. This ruling highlights the ongoing debate over gun control in the United States, with the Supreme Court's decisions significantly impacting the legal landscape surrounding firearms.


"The Supreme Court's decision to overturn the Trump-era ban on bump stocks has generated controversy, raising concerns about the potential for increased gun violence and sparking debate over the proper balance between gun control and Second Amendment rights."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Supreme Court
bump stocks


La Corte Suprema revoca la prohibición de la era Trump de los aceleradores de disparos en las armas

La Corte Suprema anuló este viernes una prohibición federal de los aceleradores de disparos aprobada por el expresidente Donald Trump, el último golpe del alto tribunal que limita el poder de las agencias federales para actuar por su cuenta.