
Julian Assange Reaches Deal to Avoid US Prison

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has reached an agreement with the Biden administration that will allow him to avoid serving a prison sentence in the United States. Assange was facing charges of espionage and hacking for publishing classified information leaked by former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. The deal, which is still under negotiation, involves a plea agreement that would see Assange plead guilty to lesser charges. This outcome comes after a protracted legal battle that saw Assange spend years fighting extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States. The agreement, if finalized, represents a significant victory for Assange and his supporters, who had argued that his prosecution was politically motivated and a threat to press freedom. While the details of the agreement remain under wraps, the news of a potential plea deal has sparked mixed reactions. Some applaud the outcome, arguing that it protects Assange's rights and avoids a lengthy and potentially unfair trial. Others, however, criticize the agreement, arguing that it undermines the seriousness of Assange's actions and sets a dangerous precedent for future whistleblowers. The exact terms of the agreement, including the charges Assange will plead guilty to and the potential sentence he could face, are yet to be made public. The agreement is expected to be formally presented to a US court in the coming days, where Assange will have the opportunity to formally accept or reject the offer.


"The agreement between Julian Assange and the Biden administration, if finalized, would prevent Assange from facing a prison sentence in the United States. This agreement has sparked mixed reactions, with some praising it for protecting Assange's rights and others criticizing it for undermining the seriousness of his actions. The details of the agreement, including the charges Assange will plead guilty to and the potential sentence he could face, are still under wraps and will be revealed in the coming days."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

Julian Assange
plea deal
US government
classified information


Julian Assange logra un acuerdo con el Gobierno de Biden que le permitirá evitar la cárcel en EE.UU.

El fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, aceptó declararse culpable de un delito grave relacionado con su presunta participación en una de las mayores filtraciones de material clasificado del gobierno estadounidense, como parte de un acuerdo con el Departame…