
ISIS no ha acabado con nosotros': Tayik Arrests Spark US Terror Attack Fears

The arrest of several individuals of Tayik origin in the US has raised concerns about potential terrorist attacks. Law enforcement agencies are investigating their possible connections to the Islamic State (ISIS), raising alarms about potential threats to national security. The arrests are linked to a wider investigation focused on potential ISIS networks operating in the US, further fueling worries. These developments come amidst a period of heightened alert regarding terrorism, emphasizing the ongoing threat posed by ISIS even after its territorial defeat in Syria and Iraq. The article suggests that the threat of ISIS remains a serious concern, highlighting the group's ability to adapt and operate in new ways, including through the recruitment of individuals in the US. The arrests serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing need for vigilance and robust counterterrorism measures to combat the evolving threat of ISIS.


"The article highlights the ongoing threat posed by ISIS, even after its territorial defeat, through the arrests of individuals connected to the group in the US. The investigation into their potential ties to ISIS networks underscores the need for vigilance and continuous efforts to combat terrorism."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

"ISIS no ha acabado con nosotros": los tayikos arrestados elevan los temores de un ataque terrorista contra Estados Unidos

El reciente arresto de ocho ciudadanos tayikos presuntamente conectados con ISIS ha aumentado la preocupación entre los funcionarios de seguridad nacional sobre la posibilidad de que un miembro peligroso del ahora escindido grupo terrorista lleve a cabo un at…