
South Korea Finds More Balloons With Debris After North Korea Warning

South Korea has discovered more balloons carrying debris, originating from North Korea, just days after the North issued a warning against the practice. The discovery of these balloons, spotted in various regions of South Korea, comes after North Korea expressed concern about their use and warned of potential consequences if they continued. The content of the balloons remains unclear, but the recent finds have raised concerns about the potential for environmental contamination and underscore the ongoing tensions between the two Koreas. The South Korean government has been monitoring the situation closely, but has not yet commented on the latest discoveries or the implications for relations with North Korea.


"The discovery of more balloons carrying debris from North Korea highlights the ongoing tensions between the two Koreas and raises concerns about potential environmental issues. The situation is being closely monitored by the South Korean government, but the implications for relations between the two countries remain unclear."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

North Korea
South Korea


Identifican nuevos globos con basura sobre Corea del Sur, días después de la advertencia de Corea del Norte

Este lunes se vieron en Corea del Sur globos norcoreanos que “presuntamente” transportaban desechos, que reavivan un intercambio de ojo por ojo mientras las tensiones en la Península de Corea continúan en aumento.