
Honduras and Costa Rica Aim to Revive Central American Integration System

Honduras and Costa Rica are leading the charge to revive the Central American Integration System (SICA). Both countries are pushing for a revitalized SICA that addresses the region's challenges, including poverty, inequality, and violence. The SICA has struggled in recent years, with internal conflicts and political instability hindering its effectiveness. However, the two countries believe that a stronger SICA is essential for addressing the shared problems facing the region. They aim to work with other member states to reinvigorate the organization and make it a more effective tool for regional cooperation. They hope to achieve this by strengthening SICA's institutions, promoting economic development, and fostering closer cooperation on security issues. Honduras and Costa Rica are working to revitalize SICA as a way to address the region's shared challenges. They see the organization as essential for promoting economic development, fostering security, and achieving a more peaceful and prosperous future for Central America. The two countries are optimistic that they can work with other member states to achieve these goals.


"Honduras and Costa Rica are committed to revitalizing the SICA to address the region's shared challenges, including poverty, inequality, and violence. They aim to strengthen SICA's institutions and promote economic development, security cooperation, and a more peaceful future for Central America."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Costa Rica
Central American Integration System


Honduras y Costa Rica buscan reactivar el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana

La presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, y el presidente de Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, acordaron este jueves impulsar la reactivación del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA).