
Colombia's Attorney General to Investigate Alleged Illegal Interceptions and Surveillance at the Constitutional Court

Colombia's Attorney General's Office has announced an investigation into alleged illegal interceptions and surveillance activities targeting members of the Constitutional Court. The investigation follows a complaint filed by Justice Jorge Iván Palacio, who claims he was subject to illegal surveillance. Palacio alleges that the interceptions involved his conversations with others and possibly even monitoring of his home, potentially violating his right to privacy. The Attorney General's Office will determine if there is evidence to support these allegations and, if so, will pursue appropriate legal action against those responsible. The case has raised concerns about the potential for abuse of power and the need for safeguards to protect individual rights in the context of security measures.


"The investigation is ongoing, and it remains to be seen whether the Attorney General's Office will find sufficient evidence to support the allegations of illegal interceptions and surveillance. This case highlights the importance of balancing security concerns with the protection of individual rights and freedoms."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

Corte Constitucional


Fiscalía de Colombia investigará "presuntas interceptaciones y seguimientos ilegales" en la Corte Constitucional

Un grupo de fiscales de Colombia investigará "presuntas interceptaciones y seguimientos ilegales" en la Corte Constitucional, dice Fiscalía.