
Prosecutors Urge Justice Department to Indict Boeing Over 737 Max

Federal prosecutors are urging the Justice Department to bring criminal charges against Boeing for its role in the two deadly crashes of the 737 Max airplane. These crashes, which occurred in Indonesia and Ethiopia, resulted in the deaths of 346 people. Prosecutors, who are investigating whether Boeing misled regulators about the aircraft's safety, believe there is enough evidence to pursue criminal charges. They are pushing for an indictment, arguing that Boeing's actions were not mere negligence but a deliberate attempt to deceive the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the public. Boeing has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and maintained that it has taken steps to ensure the safety of the 737 Max. However, the prosecutors' stance reflects the ongoing scrutiny surrounding Boeing's handling of the 737 Max crisis and the potential for criminal liability. The Justice Department has been conducting its own investigation into the matter and is yet to make a decision on whether to pursue charges. A grand jury is currently hearing evidence in the case, suggesting that a potential indictment is being seriously considered.


"The Justice Department is now facing pressure from federal prosecutors to indict Boeing over the 737 Max crashes. The prosecutors believe there is sufficient evidence to prove that Boeing deliberately misled regulators about the safety of the aircraft. The decision to pursue charges rests with the Justice Department, which is currently considering the evidence and weighing the potential legal and public consequences of an indictment."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

737 Max
Justice Department
criminal charges
safety issues


Fiscales instan al Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. a presentar cargos penales contra Boeing por el 737 Max

Los fiscales instan al Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos a presentar cargos penales contra Boeing por problemas de seguridad relacionados con su 737 Max.