
Scenarios if the National Assembly of Ecuador Authorizes a Criminal Process for Possible Concussion against Vice President Abad

The article discusses the potential scenarios that could unfold if the National Assembly of Ecuador authorizes a criminal process against Vice President Abad for alleged concussion. Concussion is a crime in Ecuador, specifically referring to a public official who uses their position for personal gain. The article explores the possible outcomes depending on the Assembly's decision. If the Assembly votes in favor of the process, it would be a significant development in the ongoing case against Abad. The Assembly's decision would then be forwarded to the competent court, which would be responsible for conducting the investigation and determining if there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial. The court could ultimately issue a verdict based on the evidence presented. The article highlights the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the impact of the Assembly's decision on Abad's political future and the overall political landscape of Ecuador. The article also mentions the ongoing investigation by the Prosecutor's Office into the alleged misuse of public funds by Abad.


"The article outlines the potential consequences of the National Assembly of Ecuador's decision regarding the authorization of a criminal process against Vice President Abad for alleged concussion. The Assembly's decision will determine whether the case proceeds to a full trial, with significant implications for Abad's political future and the overall political climate in Ecuador."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Vice President


Estos son los escenarios si la Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador autoriza proceso penal por posible concusión contra la vicepresidenta Abad

La suerte de la vicepresidenta de Ecuador, Verónica Abad, podría definirse este viernes en el pleno de la Asamblea Nacional, que deberá resolver un pedido de la jueza de la Corte Nacional de Justicia, Daniela Camacho, para que el Poder Legislativo autorice el…