
The US Coast at Risk of a Devastating Tsunami

A study published in the journal 'Nature Hazards' has revealed that the US Pacific Northwest coast faces a significant risk of a devastating tsunami. This threat is driven by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a fault line stretching from Northern California to Vancouver Island, Canada. Experts warn that a major earthquake along this zone, capable of reaching magnitude 9, could trigger a massive tsunami capable of causing significant damage and casualties along the coastal areas. The study emphasizes the need for improved preparedness measures and infrastructure resilience to mitigate the potential impacts of such an event. It stresses the importance of public awareness, evacuation plans, and reinforced coastal structures to protect communities and minimize the potential loss of life.


"The study highlights the significant threat of a tsunami in the US Pacific Northwest due to the Cascadia Subduction Zone and emphasizes the crucial need for comprehensive preparedness measures to mitigate the potential devastation."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

megathrust earthquake

Esta parte de EE.UU. corre el mayor riesgo de sufrir un tsunami devastador

El registro geológico de la región indica que estos megaterremotos y tsunamis se producen cada 500 años. No hay forma de predecirlos.