
Stonehenge Vandalism Doesn't Stop Summer Solstice Gathering

Despite an act of vandalism that occurred at Stonehenge on June 20th, thousands of people still gathered to celebrate the summer solstice. The iconic monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was defaced with graffiti, but the event wasn't cancelled. Authorities condemned the vandalism and are investigating the incident. The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, holds significance for many, and the event at Stonehenge is a traditional celebration. The vandalism, while unfortunate, did not deter attendees from enjoying the solstice festivities.


"The vandalism at Stonehenge was a regrettable incident, but it did not stop the thousands of people who gathered to celebrate the summer solstice. The event proceeded as planned, with attendees enjoying the longest day of the year at the historic site."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

summer solstice


El vandalismo en Stonehenge no impidió que miles de personas se reunieran para el solsticio de verano

Alrededor de 15.000 personas se reunieron en Stonehenge para contemplar la salida del sol con motivo del solsticio de verano. - CNN