
Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa Claims Security Forces Thwarted Assassination Plot

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa has announced that his security forces successfully thwarted an assassination plot against him. This revelation came during a press conference where Noboa provided details about the incident. He stated that the plot was uncovered through a comprehensive investigation that involved close collaboration between various security agencies. The investigation led to the identification of individuals who were allegedly involved in the plan to assassinate the president. Noboa emphasized that the plot was serious and credible, highlighting the risks he faces as president. He expressed gratitude towards the security forces for their dedication and swift action in neutralizing the threat. While specific details about the plot, the individuals involved, and the motives behind the attempted assassination remain undisclosed, Noboa assured the public that all necessary measures have been taken to ensure his safety and that the investigation is ongoing. This incident underscores the precarious security situation in Ecuador, which has been grappling with high levels of crime and violence in recent years.


"Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa claims that his security forces foiled an assassination plot against him. While the details of the plot are not fully disclosed, it highlights the dangerous security situation in Ecuador. The investigation is ongoing, and the president has assured the public that all necessary measures are in place to ensure his safety."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

President Daniel Noboa
assassination attempt


El presidente de Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, afirma que sus fuerzas de seguridad frustraron un plan para matarlo

El presidente Daniel Noboa dijo que las fuerzas de seguridad de Ecuador frustraron un intento de matarlo a inicios de este año, según entrevista publicada en The New Yorker.