
Ecuador Announces New Power Outages Due to Heavy Rains and Landslides Affecting Hydroelectric Power Plant

The Ecuadorian government has announced new power outages due to heavy rains and landslides impacting the Orixa hydroelectric power plant. The plant, located in the provinces of Pichincha and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, has experienced significant damage, forcing the government to implement power rationing measures to conserve energy. The Minister of Energy and Mines, Fernando Santos Alvite, confirmed that the electricity rationing will be implemented across the country. While the exact duration of the outages is not specified, the government is working to restore power as quickly as possible. Authorities are urging citizens to be prepared for the outages and use energy efficiently. The government is also working to assess the damage caused by the landslides and determine the timeline for repairing the hydroelectric power plant.


"Heavy rains and landslides have caused significant damage to the Orixa hydroelectric power plant, leading to power outages in Ecuador. The government is implementing power rationing measures and working to restore power as quickly as possible. Citizens are being urged to be prepared for the outages and conserve energy."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

power outages


El Gobierno de Ecuador anuncia nuevos cortes de energía por afectaciones de lluvias y deslaves a hidroeléctrica

El Operador Nacional de Electricidad de Ecuador anunció que este viernes habrá nuevos cortes de energía, debido a que —dijo— la hidroeléctrica Coca Codo Sinclair tuvo que cerrar sus compuertas por los deslaves y otras afectaciones generadas por las lluvias.