
Community Effort Revitalizes Brazil's Atlantic Forest

A community-driven initiative is breathing life back into the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a once-vast expanse now reduced to fragmented patches. Laury Cullen, a leading figure in this effort, describes the challenges and triumphs of this ongoing restoration. The project, known as "Tierra," focuses on reforestation through sustainable practices, engaging local communities in the process. This approach involves planting native species, creating firebreaks to prevent wildfires, and fostering economic opportunities for residents, thus ensuring long-term forest protection. The project's success is evident in the return of native wildlife, showcasing the powerful impact of community involvement in environmental restoration.


"The Tierra project demonstrates the potential of community-driven initiatives to revitalize degraded ecosystems and create a brighter future for Brazil's Atlantic Forest. By involving local residents in the restoration process, the project not only restores the environment but also empowers communities and strengthens their connection to the forest."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

Atlantic Forest
community effort


El esfuerzo de la comunidad le devuelve la vida al Bosque Atlántico brasileño

Similar a otros ecosistemas en Brasil, el Bosque Atlántico sufrió por décadas una intensa deforestación a causa, principalmente, de la expansión de la ganadería y la agricultura. Sin embargo, hoy son los mismos trabajadores del campo –e incluso los productore…