
Venezuela's National Electoral Council Calls for Agreement on Election Results

Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) has called for a consensus on accepting the results of the upcoming presidential election, urging all political actors to agree on a process that guarantees transparency and fairness. This call comes amid accusations of bias and partiality leveled against the CNE by opposition politician Edmundo González, who believes the electoral body is acting in favor of the ruling party. González claims the CNE has failed to address concerns raised by the opposition about potential electoral fraud, including allegations of manipulation of the electoral register and the denial of access to campaign resources. He argues that the lack of transparency and accountability within the CNE undermines the credibility of the electoral process and raises serious concerns about the legitimacy of the upcoming election. The CNE, however, maintains that it is committed to ensuring a free and fair election, and its call for consensus is an attempt to address concerns and build trust among all stakeholders. The CNE emphasizes the importance of respecting the results of the election, regardless of the outcome, and stresses the need for a peaceful and orderly transition of power. The CNE's call for agreement comes as the presidential election draws closer, with the ruling party and the opposition gearing up for a fierce contest. The outcome of the election is expected to have significant ramifications for the future of Venezuela, and the CNE's role in ensuring a credible and transparent process is paramount. The situation underscores the deep divisions and political polarization that continue to plague Venezuela, with the electoral process serving as a focal point for these tensions.


"The CNE's call for a consensus on accepting the election results highlights the political tensions and the need for a credible electoral process in Venezuela. While the CNE emphasizes transparency and fairness, concerns remain about its impartiality and the potential for electoral manipulation. The upcoming election is expected to be closely watched as a test of democratic principles and a potential turning point in the country's political landscape."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Council Nacional Electoral


El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela llama a acuerdo para que se acepten los resultados; Edmundo González acusa al organismo de actuar de forma parcial

El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela convocó a que los 10 candidatos presidenciales firmaran un acuerdo para aceptar los resultados de las elecciones del domingo 28 de julio.