
Julian Assange's Timeline: What He Did and the Accusations Against the WikiLeaks Founder

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been a controversial figure for years. He gained notoriety for his website's publication of classified documents, often exposing government secrets and misconduct. This article provides a detailed timeline of Assange's life and the legal battles he's faced, highlighting key events that have shaped his public image and the controversies surrounding WikiLeaks. The timeline begins in 1971 with Assange's birth in Townsville, Australia. It traces his early involvement with computers, his eventual move to Melbourne, and his establishment of WikiLeaks in 2006. The article then focuses on Assange's actions that led to legal scrutiny and accusations against him, including the publication of classified documents like the "Collateral Murder" video and the release of diplomatic cables. It highlights the accusations of rape in Sweden and the arrest warrant issued against him. The timeline delves into his asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, his eventual arrest and extradition to the United States, and the charges he faced in the US, which included espionage and hacking. The article also explores the defense arguments used by Assange's legal team, emphasizing the importance of press freedom and the potential for whistleblowing. It touches upon the ongoing legal proceedings and the potential consequences Assange might face, including imprisonment. The timeline concludes by noting the ongoing debate about Assange's actions and the implications of his case for freedom of information and the role of whistleblowers in a democratic society. This detailed account provides a comprehensive overview of Assange's life and the legal challenges he has faced, offering insights into the complex interplay of technology, government secrecy, and the pursuit of justice.


"The timeline of Julian Assange's life and legal battles is a complex and controversial one, raising important questions about the balance between freedom of information, national security, and individual rights. The ongoing debate about Assange's actions and the consequences of his case will likely continue for many years to come."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

Julian Assange
classified information


Cronología del caso Julian Assange: ¿qué hizo y de qué acusan al fundador de WikiLeaks?

Esta es la cronología del caso contra Julian Assange por la filtraciones de material clasificado realizados en su sitio WikiLeaks.