
Biden and Trump Prepare for First Presidential Debate

The article discusses the preparations of both Joe Biden and Donald Trump for their first presidential debate. It highlights how the two candidates are approaching the event, emphasizing their contrasting styles and strategies. The article mentions that Biden is focusing on outlining a clear vision for the future, while Trump is emphasizing his past accomplishments and attacking his opponent. It also mentions that both candidates are working to ensure their presence is felt on social media and that they are utilizing various resources, such as speech coaches and advisors, to prepare for the debate. The article concludes by noting that the debate is expected to be highly anticipated and will likely provide insights into the candidates' strategies for the upcoming election.


"The article suggests that the debate will offer valuable insights into the candidates' strategies and approaches as the election draws closer."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

presidential debate


Cómo se preparan Biden y Trump para su primer debate presidencial

En cierto modo, Joe Biden y Donald Trump tienen objetivos similares de cara a su debate de la semana que viene en Atlanta. Pero difieren en sus preparativos.