
Biden's New Measure to Benefit Undocumented Immigrant Families

The Biden administration has unveiled a new measure to provide benefits to families with undocumented immigrants. This initiative is designed to offer protection against deportation and the possibility of work authorization for certain undocumented immigrants. The program primarily focuses on individuals who entered the United States before the age of 18 and have lived in the country for at least five years. The eligibility criteria also include a requirement that they have a close relative who is a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident. The details of the program are still under development, but officials are planning to release a comprehensive plan soon, outlining the exact eligibility requirements, application process, and potential benefits. This move is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of many undocumented families in the United States.


"The Biden administration's new measure represents a significant step towards providing support and protection for undocumented families. While the program's details are still being finalized, it promises to offer a pathway to stability and security for many who have long been living in the shadows."

Updated at: 06.20.2024



¿Cómo es la nueva medida de Biden para familiares de inmigrantes indocumentados? ¿Quién es elegible y cuándo estará disponible?

El presidente de EE.UU. anuncia una nueva acción ejecutiva que podría beneficiar a miles de inmigrantes indocumentados.