
Ecuador Begins Construction of Maximum Security Prison Amidst Violence

Ecuador is constructing a new maximum security prison on the coast, a response to the escalating violence in the country. The prison, located in the province of Santa Elena, is designed to house 1,300 inmates and is intended to be a high-tech facility with advanced security measures. The project's primary goal is to combat the ongoing violence, which has been attributed to criminal gangs operating within prisons. The construction of this new prison is part of a broader strategy to improve prison security, including the establishment of specialized intelligence units within the penitentiary system. The government is hopeful that this new facility will help to curb the rise in violence and provide a safer environment for inmates and staff.


"The construction of this high-tech maximum security prison is a significant step taken by the Ecuadorian government to address the escalating violence and improve the overall security of its prison system."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

maximum security


Comienza la construcción de una cárcel de máxima seguridad en la costa de Ecuador, en medio de la lucha contra la violencia

Daniel Noboa y varios funcionarios de su Gobierno anunciaron en un acto oficial el inicio de la construcción de una cárcel de máxima seguridad en la provincia costera de Santa Elena, con la que buscan combatir al crimen organizado y ordenar el sistema peniten…