
Claudia Sheinbaum Announces Her Cabinet as Mexico's President-Elect

Claudia Sheinbaum, the president-elect of Mexico, has announced the members of her cabinet, outlining her vision for the country's future. The cabinet reflects a blend of experienced politicians and newcomers, signaling a departure from the previous administration. Sheinbaum's team includes individuals with backgrounds in various sectors, such as education, energy, and social development, showcasing her commitment to a diverse and inclusive approach to governance. Notably, the cabinet features a strong female presence, with prominent figures like Raquel Buenrostro, the current head of Mexico's tax administration agency, and Rosa Icela Rodríguez, the current security minister, appointed to key roles. This signifies a shift towards greater representation of women in high-level positions within the Mexican government. The announcement has sparked discussion and analysis among political observers, with some praising the inclusion of diverse perspectives and experience while others express concern about the lack of representation from certain sectors. The cabinet's composition, reflecting Sheinbaum's priorities and policy directions, sets the stage for her administration's approach to tackling major challenges such as economic growth, social inequality, and security. The public awaits further details on the cabinet's plans and initiatives, eager to understand how Sheinbaum's vision will translate into concrete policies and actions.


"The announcement of Claudia Sheinbaum's cabinet has been met with a mix of anticipation and scrutiny, as the composition of the team offers insights into her governance priorities and potential impact on Mexico's future."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Claudia Sheinbaum


Claudia Sheinbaum, presidenta electa de México, anuncia quiénes integrarán su Gabinete

Claudia Sheinbaum, ganadora de la presidencia de México, anunció este jueves los nombres de quiénes integrarán su gabinete para que se inicie la transición de poder con el actual mandatario, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.