
Boeing Faces $24 Billion Fine Over 737 MAX Crashes, Victims' Families Demand Justice

The families of victims who perished in the two Boeing 737 MAX crashes, which claimed the lives of 346 individuals, are demanding that the company be fined $24 billion for its role in the tragedy. They assert that Boeing committed "the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history" and that the fine should be levied in a lawsuit filed in Chicago. This legal action marks the families' pursuit of justice after the crashes, which transpired in Indonesia in 2018 and Ethiopia in 2019. The families emphasize that the $24 billion figure represents a mere fraction of the company's annual revenue. They argue that the crashes were not isolated incidents but stemmed from Boeing's negligence and prioritization of profit over safety. Their lawsuit alleges that Boeing misled regulators and deliberately concealed crucial information about the 737 MAX's flawed software system, known as the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). The plaintiffs, including relatives of those who lost their lives in the accidents, contend that Boeing should be held accountable for its actions and their devastating consequences. The lawsuit accuses Boeing of engaging in a "deceptive and manipulative" scheme, deliberately concealing its knowledge of the MCAS software's deficiencies and misleading the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). They emphasize that the crashes were preventable and a direct result of Boeing's prioritization of profit over the well-being of passengers and crew members. The families' demand for a $24 billion fine aims to hold Boeing responsible for its actions and deter future corporate negligence in the aviation industry. They are seeking justice for the victims and their families, seeking to ensure that such tragedies are never repeated.


"Families of the Boeing 737 MAX crash victims are pursuing a lawsuit demanding a $24 billion fine against Boeing. They assert that the company's negligence and profit-driven decisions resulted in the deaths of 346 people. The lawsuit accuses Boeing of concealing information about the faulty MCAS software, a decision that led to the preventable crashes. The families are seeking justice for their loved ones and hope to deter future corporate negligence in the aviation industry."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

737 Max


Boeing cometió "el crimen corporativo más letal de la historia de EE.UU." y debería ser multada con US$ 24.000 millones, dicen familias de víctimas

Las familias que perdieron a sus seres queridos en dos accidentes de Boeing 737 Max dijeron el miércoles que la compañía cometió el "crimen corporativo más letal de la historia de EE.UU." y pidieron al Departamento de Justicia que multe a la empresa.