
Argentina's Unemployment Rate Rises by 2 Percentage Points

Argentina's unemployment rate rose by 2 percentage points in the first quarter of 2024, reaching 9.6%, according to data released by the INDEC, Argentina's national statistics agency. This increase marks a significant rise from the previous quarter's 7.6% unemployment rate. The report highlights a concerning trend of rising unemployment, particularly impacting young adults and women. The economic indicators reveal a challenging economic landscape in Argentina, with rising inflation and a weakening currency impacting the job market. Experts warn that the situation could worsen if the government fails to implement effective measures to stimulate economic growth and create new jobs. While the report focuses on the rise in unemployment, it also emphasizes the importance of continued monitoring and analysis to understand the underlying factors contributing to the changing job market dynamics. The government is working on addressing the issue, but the effectiveness of its measures remains to be seen.


"The rise in unemployment in Argentina is a concerning trend, with potential implications for the economy and society. The government is facing a challenging task of addressing the issue, but its success will depend on its ability to implement effective measures to stimulate economic growth and create new jobs."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

unemployment rate
first quarter


Aumentó 2 puntos la tasa de desocupación en Argentina

En Argentina, la tasa de desocupación correspondiente al primer trimestre de 2024 fue del 7,7%, según los datos publicados por el INDEC.