
Archaeologists in Greece Unearth Ancient Building Near Proposed Airport

Greek archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery while surveying a hill in Crete that is planned for a new airport: a 4,000-year-old building. The discovery was announced by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports on June 15, 2024. The building, located near the town of Tympaki, is believed to date back to the Minoan civilization, which flourished in Crete between 2700 and 1450 BC. The structure, which consists of a rectangular building with three rooms, was found beneath the surface of the hill. It is not yet clear what the purpose of the building was, but archaeologists are speculating that it may have been a house or a workshop. The discovery has raised concerns about the proposed airport construction, which could potentially threaten the archaeological site. The Ministry of Culture and Sports has stated that they will be conducting further archaeological investigations in the area, which could lead to more discoveries. They also emphasized the importance of respecting and preserving the archaeological heritage of Greece. The discovery is a testament to the rich and vibrant history of Crete and the ongoing work of archaeologists in uncovering its secrets. While the discovery has brought about the potential for more discoveries, it has also raised questions about the impact of future development projects on important historical sites. The Ministry of Culture and Sports and the archaeologists involved are committed to ensuring that the historical importance of the site is recognized and preserved for future generations to learn from.


"The discovery of a 4,000-year-old building near the site of a proposed airport in Crete has sparked both excitement and concern. While the discovery provides valuable insights into the Minoan civilization, it also raises questions about the impact of development projects on historical sites. The Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports is committed to further investigation and preserving the archaeological heritage of Greece."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

ancient building
airport project

Arqueólogos griegos descubren un misterioso edificio de 4.000 años de antigüedad en una colina destinada a albergar un nuevo aeropuerto

Un edificio de piedra, grande y redondo de 4.000 años de antigüedad descubierto en la cima de una colina cretense está desconcertando a los arqueólogos y amenaza con alterar un importante proyecto aeroportuario en la turística isla griega.