
Wells Fargo Fired Employees for Faking Work Through Keyboard Strokes

Wells Fargo has dismissed a dozen employees accused of faking their work by manipulating keyboard strokes to appear busy, according to an internal memo reviewed by CNN. The employees were allegedly using a software called Trax to generate fake keystrokes and mouse movements, leading them to appear active even when they weren't working. This practice, known as "time-theft", has resulted in the termination of the employees, raising concerns about the effectiveness of performance monitoring tools and potential misuse. The internal memo, written by Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf, expresses disappointment and emphasizes the company's commitment to ethical behavior. It also acknowledges the challenge of finding balance between technology and employee trust. While the memo does not disclose the specific roles of the employees dismissed, it highlights the importance of maintaining ethical standards and highlights the potential pitfalls of relying solely on software to monitor productivity.


"The dismissal of Wells Fargo employees for faking their work through keyboard stroke manipulation raises questions about the reliability of performance tracking tools and the potential for abuse. This incident underscores the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace and the need for employers to find a balance between technology and trust in their employees."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Wells Fargo


ANÁLISIS | Wells Fargo despidió a una docena de empleados acusados de simular que trabajaban falsificando pulsaciones de teclado

Wells Fargo reveló esta semana que había despedido a más de una docena de empleados por "simulación de actividad del teclado", informó Bloomberg. Los empleados estaban fingiendo que trabajaban, posiblmente con un dispositivo que se puede comprar en línea por …