
Putin's Failed Promise to Eradicate Islamic Extremism in Dagestan

The article discusses the recent deadly attack in Dagestan, Russia, highlighting the ongoing struggle against Islamic extremism in the region. It emphasizes a stark contrast between Vladimir Putin's past pronouncements and the reality on the ground. Decades ago, Putin pledged to eradicate the horrors of Islamic extremism, but the recent attack demonstrates the failure of this promise. The article delves into the historical context of the conflict, tracing it back to the 1990s when Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region, faced instability and separatist movements. The article highlights the continued presence of these extremist groups and the challenges they pose to Putin's authority and Russia's control over the Caucasus. It suggests that despite Putin's efforts to strengthen security measures and crack down on extremism, the region remains vulnerable and prone to violent attacks. The article concludes by raising questions about the effectiveness of Putin's policies and the long-term implications for Russia's stability in the face of persistent extremist threats.


"The recent attack in Dagestan highlights the ongoing struggle against Islamic extremism in Russia and the failure of Putin's past promises to eradicate it. The article emphasizes the complex historical context of the conflict and the challenges faced by Putin's government in maintaining control over the region."

Updated at: 06.26.2024


ANÁLISIS | Putin prometió hace décadas vencer los horrores del extremismo islámico. El mortal atentado de Daguestán vuelve a demostrar su fracaso

El atentado de Daguestán agrava el desagradable hecho de que la amenaza islamista en Rusia se ha extendido, como en todo el mundo, y la siguiente generación, más joven, conserva el mismo odio vil hacia el pasado y el presente del Kremlin.