
Analysis: How China Could Take Taiwan Without an Invasion

This analysis explores the possibility of China taking control of Taiwan without a full-scale military invasion. It highlights various strategies that China could employ, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan's dependence on global trade and its reliance on external resources. The article discusses how China could potentially exploit these vulnerabilities through economic coercion, diplomatic isolation, and even a limited military action targeting key infrastructure and communication networks. This approach, while less violent than a direct invasion, could create significant pressure on Taiwan, potentially forcing it to concede to Chinese demands. The article also examines the potential consequences of such a scenario for the international community, arguing that it could set a dangerous precedent for other regional conflicts.


"The article concludes by stating that while a full-scale invasion remains a possibility, China's strategy toward Taiwan appears to be shifting towards a more nuanced and multifaceted approach that relies on pressure and coercion rather than outright military force."

Updated at: 06.24.2024


ANÁLISIS | Cómo China podría tomar Taiwán sin necesidad de invadirlo

El ejército chino podría aislar a Taiwán, paralizar su economía y hacer que la isla democrática sucumba a la voluntad del Partido Comunista gobernante en Pekín sin disparar un solo tiro, advierte un destacado laboratorio de ideas.