
China Cautiously Watches Putin and Kim Forge a New 'Alliance'

China is watching cautiously as Russia and North Korea deepen their relationship, forging a new alliance. The article analyzes the recent developments between the two countries, focusing on the implications for China. It highlights that China is concerned about the potential for this alliance to destabilize the region and strengthen the existing rivalry between the US and China. China's own position on the conflict in Ukraine is discussed, emphasizing their desire to maintain a neutral stance while avoiding being drawn into a deeper conflict with the West. The article suggests that China sees the relationship between Russia and North Korea as a strategic challenge, particularly in the context of the US-China rivalry. China's cautious approach to the evolving alliance reflects its concern over potential instability in the region and the potential for the alliance to further strengthen the existing US-China rivalry.


"China's cautious stance towards the developing alliance between Russia and North Korea stems from concerns about regional instability and the potential for it to further escalate the existing US-China rivalry. The article suggests that China is seeking to navigate this complex situation while maintaining its own strategic interests in the region."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

North Korea
Kim Jong Un


ANÁLISIS | China observa con cautela cómo Putin y Kim forjan una nueva "alianza"

Mientras Vladimir Putin transitaba las calles de Pyongyang junto a Kim Jong Un, el socio más importante de los dos autócratas observaba desde la barrera en Beijing.