
Aboard the Russian warship visiting Cuba

The article describes the visit of the Russian warship “Admiral Gorshkov” to Havana, Cuba. The ship is equipped with hypersonic Zircon missiles, which have been touted as a threat by the US. The article details the ship's capabilities, including its anti-ship missiles, its ability to launch helicopters, and its role as a flagship of the Russian Navy. The visit is seen as a sign of the strengthening relationship between Russia and Cuba, particularly in the context of Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine. The article highlights the significance of the visit in terms of military cooperation between the two countries and the potential for further strengthening their relationship. The article also mentions the presence of US Navy ships in the region, which are likely monitoring the Russian warship's movements.


"The visit of the Russian warship “Admiral Gorshkov” to Cuba is a significant event that underlines the deepening relationship between Russia and Cuba. This visit, marked by the presence of advanced weaponry, signifies a potential shift in the regional power dynamics and warrants attention from international observers."

Updated at: 06.16.2024


A bordo del buque de guerra ruso que visita Cuba

El Almirante Gorshkov es uno de los buques más modernos de la flota rusa, capaz de disparar misiles hipersónicos que viajan a más de 9.600 km/h. Así fue mi visita en el puerto de La Habana, Cuba.