
WATCH — 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

A video posted on Twitter by Breitbart News shows a 7th grader expressing his opinion on why former President Donald Trump is popular among young people. The student attributes Trump's popularity to the current economic climate, particularly the rising inflation caused by President Joe Biden's policies. The student argues that inflation has significantly impacted the cost of everyday items, such as candy, and this has made young people unhappy with Biden's leadership. He also suggests that Trump's policies, which he perceives as pro-business and pro-growth, would lead to a better economic environment. The video highlights a potential trend of growing dissatisfaction among young people with the current administration's handling of the economy and a corresponding attraction to Trump's economic promises. However, it is important to note that the video showcases the opinion of a single student and does not represent the views of all young people.


"The video provides a glimpse into the perspective of a young person, attributing Trump's popularity among his peers to the negative economic impact of inflation on their daily lives. The video highlights the potential influence of economic factors on political preferences, but it is important to recognize that it represents only one individual's viewpoint and not a comprehensive understanding of the sentiment among all young people."

Updated at: 06.20.2024



WATCH — 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

A seventh grader told Breitbart News that Donald Trump is popular among young people because Joe Biden's inflation raises candy prices.