
Congressional Report: CIA Interference in 2020 Election

A congressional report, authored by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, alleges that the CIA interfered in the 2020 presidential election by working with the Biden campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story. The report claims that the CIA used its intelligence-gathering capabilities to assess the veracity of the laptop story, ultimately deeming it Russian disinformation. This assessment, according to the report, was then shared with the Biden campaign, which used it to dismiss the story as a foreign attack. The report further alleges that the CIA's actions were part of a broader effort to protect Biden's candidacy from negative press coverage. The CIA has denied any involvement in the 2020 election, calling the allegations “baseless” and “inaccurate.” The Biden campaign has also denied any involvement in a conspiracy to discredit the laptop story, calling the allegations “outlandish.” The report has been met with skepticism from many Democrats, who argue that it is politically motivated and lacks evidence. However, Republicans have praised the report, calling it a “bombshell” that confirms their suspicions about the Biden campaign's ties to the CIA.


"The report's allegations are serious and, if true, would represent a significant abuse of power by the CIA. However, the report has been met with mixed reactions, with Democrats dismissing it as politically motivated and Republicans hailing it as evidence of a conspiracy. The report is likely to fuel further debate about the 2020 election and the role of intelligence agencies in American politics."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

2020 Election
Hunter Biden


Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election, Conspired to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The CIA interfered in the 2020 election by colluding with the Biden campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story.