
Hillary Clinton and Climate Change Propaganda

The article claims that Hillary Clinton is urging Hollywood to create media content that targets young children and promotes the idea of climate change. It suggests that Clinton believes this strategy is necessary to convince future generations of the urgency of addressing climate change. The article criticizes this approach, alleging that it amounts to propaganda and that Clinton is attempting to indoctrinate children with her political views. It argues that children are being exploited for political purposes and that their innocence is being used to advance a specific agenda. The article also points out that Hollywood has a history of using its influence to promote political messages, and that Clinton is simply continuing this trend. It expresses concerns about the potential for children to be unduly influenced by such messages, and calls for a more balanced approach to climate change education that allows children to form their own opinions.


"The article expresses concern over Hillary Clinton's alleged efforts to use Hollywood to promote climate change messaging to young children. It argues that this approach is propaganda aimed at indoctrination, and criticizes the exploitation of children's innocence for political purposes. The article also highlights the potential for undue influence on children and calls for a more balanced approach to climate change education."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Hillary Clinton
climate change


Hillary Clinton Pressuring Hollywood to Target Young Children with Climate Change Propaganda

Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has her sights set on your children -- for more climate change messaging.