
Trump Criticizes 'Very Disloyal' Paul Ryan: 'Get that Dog Off Your Board'

Former President Donald Trump criticized former House Speaker Paul Ryan, calling him "very disloyal" and urging Fox News to remove him from their board. Trump made these comments in a Truth Social post on June 19, 2024. Trump's criticism stems from Ryan's public disapproval of Trump's political agenda and his role in the January 6th Capitol riot. Ryan has been critical of Trump's policies and actions, including his claims of a stolen election and his role in the January 6th insurrection. Trump's demand for Ryan's removal from the Fox News board highlights the ongoing tension between the former president and the conservative media outlet. Trump has often accused Fox News of abandoning him and his supporters, particularly after the 2020 election. He has also been critical of some of Fox News's commentators, particularly those who have been critical of his claims of election fraud. This incident reflects the ongoing divide within the Republican Party, with Trump continuing to exert a significant influence on the party's direction and its relationship with the media. Trump's call for Ryan's removal from the Fox News board is a further indication of this divide and the ongoing battle for control of the Republican Party.


"Trump's criticism of Paul Ryan further demonstrates the ongoing tension between Trump and the Republican establishment, particularly within the media landscape. His call for Ryan's removal from the Fox News board highlights the deep divisions within the Republican Party and the ongoing struggle for influence within the conservative media."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

Fox Corporation
Board of Directors


Trump Criticizes 'Very Disloyal' Paul Ryan: 'Get that Dog Off Your Board'

Former President Donald Trump criticized former House Speaker Paul Ryan, calling for his removal from the Fox Corporation Board of Directors.