
Supreme Court Declares ATF Ban on Bump Stocks Illegal

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was wrong to ban bump stocks, devices that allow semi-automatic firearms to fire at a faster rate. This decision, handed down on June 14, 2024, overturns a previous ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court stated that bump stocks were not actually machine guns and therefore could not be banned under the National Firearms Act. This decision could have significant ramifications for gun control policy in the United States. The ATF had argued that bump stocks are machine guns because they allow a firearm to fire repeatedly without manual manipulation of the trigger. However, the Supreme Court rejected this argument, finding that bump stocks do not meet the definition of a machine gun as defined in the NFA. The court stated that a machine gun requires a mechanism that enables the firearm to automatically fire multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger. Bump stocks, on the other hand, only accelerate the firing rate by using the recoil of the firearm to move the trigger back and forth. The decision is likely to be controversial, with gun control advocates arguing that it will make it easier for people to obtain weapons that can be used for mass shootings. Pro-gun groups, on the other hand, are celebrating the ruling as a victory for Second Amendment rights. The ruling is a significant setback for the Biden administration, which has made gun control a key priority. The administration has argued that bump stocks are dangerous and should be banned, and it is unclear what steps the administration will take in response to the court's ruling. The decision is likely to have a significant impact on gun control policy in the United States. It is unclear what impact the ruling will have on other gun control measures, but it is likely to be a major topic of debate in the coming months and years.


"The Supreme Court's decision to overturn the ATF's ban on bump stocks is a major victory for gun rights advocates. However, it is likely to be a controversial ruling, with gun control advocates arguing that it will make it easier for people to obtain weapons that can be used for mass shootings. The ruling is a significant setback for the Biden administration, which has made gun control a key priority. It remains to be seen what impact this ruling will have on other gun control measures, but it is likely to be a major topic of debate in the coming months and years."

Updated at: 06.15.2024

Supreme Court
bump stocks


Supreme Court Declares ATF Ban on Bump Stocks Illegal

Attaching a bump stock to a rifle does not make it a machine gun, and thus the federal agency ban on bump stocks is illegal under federal law, the Supreme Court held on Friday.