
Report: North Korea Added 20 Nukes to Its Arsenal in 2023

A report published in South Korea claims that North Korea added approximately 20 nuclear weapons to its arsenal in 2023, bringing its total stockpile to an estimated 80-90 nuclear warheads. The report, by the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU), suggests that North Korea's nuclear program continues to advance rapidly, despite international sanctions. The KINU report highlights the increasing sophistication of North Korea's nuclear weapons technology, as evidenced by its successful launch of a solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) last year. The report also points to the North Korean government's continued investment in its nuclear program as a key factor in its expansion. The report's findings have raised concerns about the growing threat posed by North Korea's nuclear program. The international community has been calling for increased diplomatic efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, but progress has been slow. The report also raises questions about the effectiveness of existing sanctions in curbing North Korea's nuclear ambitions.


"The report by the Korea Institute for National Unification highlights the growing concern regarding North Korea's nuclear capabilities. The report's findings emphasize the country's commitment to its nuclear program and the potential threats it poses to regional stability. The report also calls into question the effectiveness of current sanctions and emphasizes the need for continued diplomatic efforts to address the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula."

Updated at: 06.19.2024


Report: North Korea Added 20 Nukes to Its Arsenal in 2023

North Korea is believed to possess 50 nuclear weapons – 20 more than in the past year, a report revealed on Monday.