
Report: Migrants, MS-13, and Russian Fraudsters Form Massive NYC Injury Insurance Scheme

A recent report alleges a vast insurance fraud scheme operating in New York City, involving migrants, MS-13 gang members, and Russian organized crime figures. The scheme allegedly targets the city's No-Fault insurance system, designed to cover medical expenses following car accidents. The report claims that these individuals are staging fake accidents and then submitting fraudulent insurance claims, with Russian fraudsters acting as middlemen. The alleged scheme involves using stolen identities, creating fake medical records, and bribing doctors and medical professionals to participate. The report also suggests that MS-13 members are involved in the scheme, using violence to intimidate victims into participating or silence those who try to expose the fraud. This alleged scheme is said to be costing insurance companies millions of dollars, ultimately driving up costs for all New Yorkers. The report has prompted investigations by various authorities, including the New York Police Department and the New York State Department of Financial Services. The extent and truthfulness of these allegations are still under investigation, and no charges have been filed as of yet.


"The article describes a complex alleged insurance fraud scheme operating in New York City, involving various groups and individuals, including migrants, MS-13 members, and Russian organized crime figures. The scheme is said to be costing insurance companies millions of dollars and is under investigation by law enforcement."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

insurance fraud


Report: Migrants, MS-13, and Russian Fraudsters Form Massive NYC Injury Insurance Scheme

A scheme organized by New York City-based Russian fraudsters and MS-13 gang members has cost insurance companies "billions."