
Pope Francis Tells Comedians, ‘You Make God Smile’

Pope Francis has a message for comedians: you make God smile. During an audience with the Italian Association of Comedians, the pontiff told the group that they were helping to bring joy and laughter into the world, which he said God appreciates. He expressed that there was a need for “laughter” and “joy” in the world and that the job of the comedian was “to make people laugh, to help them understand the absurdity of life, and to make them see the world in a new way.” The pope went on to say that “laughter is a gift from God, and it is a gift that we should share with others.” He also said that he believes that laughter is a “powerful tool” that can be used to bring people together and to “heal the wounds of the world.” The pope's comments come at a time when many people are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The pope said that he believes laughter is a “powerful tool” that can be used to bring people together and to “heal the wounds of the world.”


"Pope Francis has shared his appreciation for comedians, stating that they bring joy and laughter to the world, which he believes is appreciated by God. He emphasized the importance of laughter in healing the world's wounds and bringing people together."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

Pope Francis


Pope Francis Tells Comedians, ‘You Make God Smile’

Pope Francis met with more than 100 comedians in the Vatican Friday, praising their “ability to speak to all types of people.”