
Poll: Independents Favor Trump Over Biden in New York

A recent poll conducted by Siena College found that independent voters in New York favor Donald Trump over Joe Biden by a double-digit margin. The poll, conducted between June 12-15, 2024, surveyed 802 registered voters in New York and found that 52% of independent voters support Trump, while only 40% support Biden. This finding suggests that Trump is making inroads with independent voters, a group that is often considered crucial in close elections. The poll also found that Trump leads Biden among all voters in New York, with 46% support for Trump compared to 41% for Biden. This indicates that Trump's support is not limited to independent voters, and that he is gaining ground in a state that is typically considered Democratic-leaning. The poll's results are likely to be of interest to both Trump and Biden campaigns as they prepare for the 2024 presidential election. Trump has been campaigning on a platform of restoring American greatness, while Biden has focused on his record in office. The poll results suggest that Trump's message is resonating with voters, particularly independent voters, who may be looking for a change from the status quo.


"The poll results suggest that Donald Trump is making gains with independent voters in New York, potentially putting him in a stronger position in the upcoming presidential election. This trend may indicate a shift in voter sentiment towards Trump, but further analysis and future polls are needed to confirm this."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

Donald Trump
Joe Biden
New York


Poll: Independents Back Donald Trump over Biden in New York by Double Digits

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden by double digits among independents in New York State.